English Language Development (ELD)

The Seaside School District is committed to helping English learners to become proficient in the English language as well as successful in all areas of the academic program. We do this by providing systematic instruction in English language classes, sheltered instruction in the general education classes, and increased opportunities to appreciate their cultural heritage as well as their American culture.

Our teachers in the ELD program are Highly Qualified in the area of English language development. They provide instruction in small groups, assist in the regular classroom, and provide support to general education teachers.

Most of our general education teaching staff has training in one or more of the following programs:

  •     Systematic English Language Development (SELD)
  •     Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD)
  •     Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
  •     Constructing Meaning (CM)

All of these programs train teachers to use research-based strategies to teach English directly, or to embed supports in their instruction of content areas (such as social studies or science) so that students who are learning English can learn the content as they are learning the language.